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Published Works and Exhibits

Books Authored, Co-Authored, Edited

1. Schmidly, D. J. 1977. The Mammals of Trans-Pecos Texas Including Big Bend National Park and Guadalupe Mountains National Park.  Texas A&M University Press, 240 pp., 75 illus., 78 maps.

2. Schmidly, D. J.  1983. Texas Mammals East of the Balcones Fault Zone.  Texas A&M University Press, 400 pp., 122 illus., 64 maps, 8 tables. 

3. Schmidly, D. J. 1991. The Bats of Texas.  Texas A&M Univ. Press. 285 pp.

4. Mares, M. A., and D. J. Schmidly, editors.  1991.  Latin American Mammalogy: History, Biodiversity, and Conservation.  University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 468 pp.

5. Davis, W. B., and D. J. Schmidly. 1994.  The Mammals of Texas.  Texas Parks and Wildlife. Press. Austin, Texas, 338 pp. 

6. Würsig, F., T. Jefferson, and D. J. Schmidly.  2000.  The Marine Mammals of the Gulf of Mexico.  Texas A&M Univ. Press. 232 pp. 

7. Schmidly, D. J.  Texas Natural History:  A Century of Change.  2002. Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock.  XVI + 534 pp.

8. Schmidly, D.J.  2004.  The Mammals of Texas.  University of Texas Press, Austin.  501 pp.

9. Ammerman, L., C. Hice, and D.J. Schmidly.  2012.  The Bats of Texas (revised).  Texas A & M University Press.   305 pp.

10.  Schmidly, D.J., and R.D.Bradley.  2016.  The Mammals of Texas, 7th Edition.  University of Texas Press.  694 pp.

11.  Schmidly, D. J.  2018.  Vernon Bailey Writings of a Field Naturalist on the Frontier.  Texas A&M Press, College Station.  452 pp.

12.  Schmidly, D. J., R. D. Bradley, and L. C. Bradley.  2022.  Texas Natural History in the 21st Century.  Texas Tech Press, Lubbock, 712 pp.

13.  Yancey, F. D. II, D. J. Schmidly, R. W. Manning , and S. Kasper.  2023.  Guide to the Mammals of the Trans-Pecos.  Texas A&M Press, College Station, in press.

Special Publications/Bulletins

  1. Schmidly, D.J., William Tydeman, and Al Gardner.  2016.  United States Biological Survey: A Compendium of Its History, Personalities, Impacts, and Conflicts.  Special Publication Museum of Texas Tech University, Number 64, 123 pp.  

  2. Schmidly, D. J.  2017.  A Timeline of Significant Events in the Development of North American Mammalogy.  Special Publication Museum of Texas Texas Tech University, Number 66, 37 pp.

  3. Bradley, R. D., H. H. Genoways, D. J. Schmidly, and L. C. Bradley, editors.  2019.  From Field to Laboratory: A Memorial Volume in Honor of Robert J. Baker.  Special Publication Museum of Texas Tech University, Number 71, 911 pp.  

  4. Schmidly, D. J., R. D. Bradley, L. C. Bradley, and F. D. Yancey, II, editors.  2023.  Taxonomic Catalogs for the Recent Terrestrial Vertebrate (Species and Subspecies) Described from Texas.  Special Publication Museum of Texas Tech University, Number 77, 390.

  5. Schmidly, D. J. 1984. The furbearers of Texas. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Bulletin No. 111, 55 pp.

Museum Exhibits

1.  Texas Natural History, A Century of Change.  Professional scientific exhibit shown at The Museum, Texas Tech University; The Dallas Museum of Natural History; Houston Museum of Natural Sciences; Witte Memorial Museum, San Antonio, 2002-2003.

2.  Texas:  Vanishing Habitats and Species.  Professional scientific exhibit shown at the Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History, Bryan/College Station, Texas, August 29 – January 11, 2013.


Journal Articles, Chapters, Etc.

1.  Schmidly, D. J., and R. L. Packard. 1967. Swimming ability of pocket mice.  Southwestern Nat. 12:480-482.

2.  Schmidly, D. J. 1968. First record of the plains pocket mouse in New Mexico. J. Mamm. 49:757.

3.  Judd, F. W., and D. J. Schmidly. 1969. Distributional notes for some mammals from western Texas and eastern New Mexico. Texas J. Sci. 20:381383.

4.  Schmidly, D. J. 1971. Population variation in Dipodomys ordii from western Texas. J. Mamm. 52:108120.

5. Schmidly, D.J. 1972. Systematics and ecology of mice of the Peromyscus boylii species group from northern Mexico and parts of the southern United States. Ph.D dissertation, Dissertation Abstract Int. 32B(1). 

6.  Schmidly, D. J. 1972. Geographic variation in the whiteankled mouse, Peromyscus pectoralis. Southwestern Nat. 17:113-138.

7.  Schmidly, D. J., M. H. Beleau, and H. Hildebran. 1972. First record of Cuvier's dolphin from the Gulf of Mexico with comments on the taxonomic status of Stenella frontalis. J. Mamm. 53:625-628.

8.  Schmidly, D. J., C. O. Martin, and G. F. Collins. 1972. First occurrence of a black right whale (Balaena glacialis) along the Texas coast. Southwestern Nat. 17:214215.

9.  Lee, Mr. R., D. J. Schmidly, and C. C. Huheey. 1972. Chromosomal variation in populations of Peromyscus boylii and its systematic implications. J. Mamm. 53:697-707.

10.  Schmidly, D. J. 1973. Geographic variation and taxonomy of Peromyscus boylii from Mexico and the southern United States. J. Mamm. 54:111-130.

11. Schmidly, D. J. 1973. The systematic status of Peromyscus comanche. Southwestern Nat. 18:269278.

12. Schmidly, D. J., and C. O. Martin. 1973. Notes on bats of the Mexican state of Queretaro. Bull. Southern California Acad. Sci. 18:90-92.

13. Schmidly, D. J. 1974. Peromyscus pectoralis, Osgood, 1904. Mammalian Species, 49:1-3.

14. Schmidly, D. J. 1974. Peromyscus attwateri, J. A. Allen, 1895. Mammalian Species, 48:1-3.

15. Schmidly, D. J. 1974. Whales, porpoises and dolphins of Texas. Part I. Baleen whales. Texas Parks and Wildlife, 32(1):12-15.

16. Schmidly, D. J. 1974. Whales, porpoises and dolphins of Texas. Part II. Toothed whales. Texas Parks and Wildlife, 32(2):12-14.

17. Schmidly, D. J. 1974. Whales, porpoises and dolphins of Texas. Part III. Dolphins of Texas. Texas Parks and Wildlife, 32(3):18-22.

18. Schmidly, D. J., and B. A. Melcher. 1974. Annotated checklist and key to the cetaceans of Texas waters. Southwestern Nat. 18:453-464.

19. Schmidly, D. J., and G. L. Schroeter. 1974. Karyotypic variation in Peromyscus boylii (Rodentia: Cricetidae) from Mexico and corresponding taxonomic implications. Syst. Zool. 23:333-342.

20. Schmidly, D. J., F. S. Hendricks, and C. S. Lieb. 1974. Noteworthy additions to the bat fauna of the San Carlos Mountains, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Texas J. Sci. 25:87-88.

21. Yates, T. L., and D. J. Schmidly. 1975. The karyotype of the eastern mole (Scalopus aquaticus) with comments on chromosomal variation in the family Talpidae. J. Mamm. 56:902-905.

22. Shane, S. H., and D. J. Schmidly. 1976. Bryde's whale (Balaenoptera edeni) from Louisiana coast. Southwestern Nat. 21:409-410.

23. Schmidly, D. J., and F. S. Hendricks. 1976. Systematics of the southern races of Ord's kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ordii. Bull. Southern California Acad. Sci. 75:225-237.

24. Yates, T. L., D. J. Schmidly, and K. L. Culbertson. 1976. Silver-haired bat in Mexico. J. Mamm. 57:205.

25. Schmidly, D. J., R. B. Ditton, W. J. Boeer, and A. R. Graefe. 1976. Inter-relationships among visitor usage, human impact, and the biotic resources of the riparian ecosystem in Big Bend National Park. Pp. 261-268 (Vol. I), in First Conf. on Sci. Res. in the Nat'l. Parks (R. M. Linn, ed.), Proc. Trans. Ser., Nat'l. Park Serv., 5:xxxiv + 1-1325 pp.

26. Yates, T. L., A. D. Stock, and D. J. Schmidly. 1976. Chromosome banding patterns and the nucleolar organizer region of the eastern mole (Scalopus aquaticus). Experientia 32:1276.

27. Ditton, R. B., D. J. Schmidly, W. J. Boeer, and A. R. Graefe. 1976. Data needs and analysis for evaluating human impact in the Rio Grande River corridor of Big Bend National Park.  Proc. 3rd Res. Mgmt. Conf. Southwest Region Superintendent's Conf., Fort Worth. 25 pp. (processed).

28. Schmidly, D. J. 1977. Factors governing the distribution of mammals in the Chihuahuan Desert region. Pp. 163-192 in Transactions of the symposium on the biological resources of the Chihuahuan Desert region, United States and Mexico (R. H. Wauer and D. H. Risking, eds), Proc. Trans. Ser., Nat'l. Park Serv., 3:xxii + 1-658 pp.

29. Schmidly, D. J., and K. T. Wilkins. 1977. Composition of small mammal populations on highway rights-of-way in east Texas.  Texas Transportation Inst., College Station, 4 pp.

30. Schmidly, D. J., and K. T. Wilkins. 1977. Composition of small mammal populations on highway rights-of-way in east Texas.  Nat. Tech. Inf. Serv. FHWA TX 77 197-1F, 104 pp. (processed).

31. Boeer, W. J., and D. J. Schmidly. 1977. Terrestrial mammals of the riparian corridor in Big Bend National Park. U. S. For. Serv., Gen. Tech. Rep., RM 212-217.

32. Lee, M. R., and D. J. Schmidly. 1977. A new species of Peromyscus (Rodentia: Muridae) from Coahuila, Mexico. J. Mamm. 58:263-268.

33. Yates, T. L., and D. J. Schmidly. 1977. Systematics of Scalopus aquaticus (Linnaeus) in Texas and adjacent states. Occas. Pap. The Museum, Texas 45:1-36. 

34. Baumgardner, G. D., K. T. Wilkins, and D.J. Schmidly.  1977. Noteworthy additions to the bat fauna of the Mexican states of Tamaulipas (San Carlos Mountains) and Queretaro.  Mammalia 41:237-238.

35. Ditton, R. B., D. J. Schmidly, W. J. Boeer, A. R. Graefe. 1977. A survey and analysis of recreational livestock impact on the riparian zone of the Rio Grande in Big Bend National Park.  U. S. For. Serv., Gen. Tech. Rep., NC-28:256-266.

36. Schmidly, D. J., K. T. Wilkins, R. L. Honeycutt, and B. C. Weynand. 1977.  The bats of east Texas. Texas J. Sci. 28:127-143.

37. Schmidly, D. J., and S. H. Shane. 1978. A biological assessment of the cetacean fauna of the Texas coast.  Nat. Tech. Inf. Serv., 22161, PB-281763, 38 pp. (processed).

38. Yates, T. L., and D. J. Schmidly. 1978. Scalopus aquaticus. Mammalian Species 105:1-4.

39. Krausman, P. R., D. J. Schmidly, and E. D. Ables.  1978. Comments on the taxonomic status, distribution, and habitat of the Carmen Mountains white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus carminis).  Southwestern Nat. 23:577-590.

40. Schmidly, D. J., and W. A. Brown.  1979. Systematics of short-tailed shrew (genus Blarina) in Texas.  Southwestern Nat. 24:39-48.

41. Schmidly, D. J., and R. B. Ditton.  1979. Relating human activities and biological resources in riparian habitats of western Texas. Pp. 107-116 in Strategies for Protection and Management of Floodplain Wetlands and Other Riparian Ecosystems.  U. S. For. Ser. Gen. Tech. Rep., WQ-12:1-410 pp.

42.  Schmidly, D. J., and R. B. Ditton.  1979. Assessing human impacts in two National Park areas of western Texas.  Pp. 139-152 in Recreational Impact on Wildlands Conf. Proc. (R. Ittner, D. R. Potter, J. K. Agee, and S. Amschel, eds.). Forest Service USDA National Park Service, USDI.  R-6-011-1979.  333 pp.

43. Wilkins, K. T., and D. J. Schmidly.  1979. Identification and distribution of three species of pocket mice (genus Perognathus) in Trans-Pecos Texas.  Southwestern Nat. 24:17-32.

44. Honeycutt, R. L., and D. J. Schmidly. 1979. Chromosomal and morphological variation in Geomys bursarius from Texas and adjacent states with comments on factors influencing distribution.  Occas. Pap. The Museum, Texas Tech. Univ. 58:1-54.

45. Haiduk, M. W., J. W. Bickham, and D. J. Schmidly. 1979. Karyotypes of six species of Oryzomys from Mexico and Central America. J. Mamm. 60:610615.

46. Wilkins, K. T., and D. J. Schmidly. 1980.  Highway mortality of vertebrates in southeastern Texas.  Texas J. Sci. 32:343-350.

47. Wilkins, K. T., and D. J. Schmidly. 1981. The effects of mowing of highway rights-of-way on small mammals. Pp. 55-1 - 55-13 in Environmental concerns in rights-of-way management: proceedings of second symposium, 1979 (R. E. Tillman, ed.), Electric Power Res. Inst. (EPRI) Report WS-78-141. (processed).

48. Baumgardner, G. D., and D. J. Schmidly. 1981.  Systematics of the southern races of two species of kangaroo rats (Dipodomys compactus and D. ordii). Occas. Pap. The Museum, Texas Tech. Univ. 73:1-27.

49. Cornely, J. E., D. J. Schmidly, H. H. Genoways, and R. J. Baker. 1981. Mice of the genus Peromyscus in Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas.  Occas. Pap. The Museum, Texas Tech. Univ. 74:1-35.

50. Engstrom, M. D., R. C. Dowler, D. S. Rogers, D. J. Schmidly, and J. W. Bickham. 1981. Chromosomal variation within four species of harvest mice (genus Reithrodontomys). J. Mamm. 62:159-163.

51. Rogers, D. S., and D. J. Schmidly. 1981. Geographic variation in the white-throated woodrat (Neotoma albigula) from New Mexico, Texas, and northern Mexico. Southwestern Nat. 26:167-181.

52. Tucker, P. K., and D. J. Schmidly. 1981. Studies of a contact zone among three chromosomal races of Geomys bursarius in east Texas. J. Mamm. 62:258-272.

53. Engstrom, M. D., and D. J. Schmidly. 1982. Nongeographic variation and discrimination within the Peromyscus leucopus species group (Mammalia: Cricetinae) in eastern Texas.  Texas J. Sci. 34:149-162.

54. Martin, C. O., and D. J. Schmidly. 1982. Taxonomic review of the pallid bat, Antrozous pallidus. Spec. Publ. The Museum, Texas Tech. Univ. 18:1-48.

55. Rogers, D. S., and D. J. Schmidly. 1982. Systematics of spiny pocket mice (genus Heteromys) of the desmarestianus species group from Mexico and northern Central America. J. Mamm. 63:375-386.

56. Schmidly, D. J.  1984. Texas mammals: diversity and geographic distribution.  Pp. 13-25 in Protection of Texas Natural Diversity:  An Introduction for Natural Resource Planners and Managers (E. G. Carls and J. Neal, ed.).  Bulletin MP-1557, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.

57. Schmidly, D. J., and F. S. Hendricks.  1984. Mammals of the San Carlos Mountains of Tamaulipas, Mexico.  Pp. 15-69 in Contributions in Mammalogy in Honor of Robert L. Packard (R. E. Martin and B. R. Chapman, eds.).  Spec. Publ. The Museum, Texas Tech Univ. 22:1-234.

58. Schmidly, D. J. and J. K. Jones, Jr.  1984. Holotypes of Recent mammals in Texas natural history collections.  Occas. Pap. The Museum, Texas Tech Univ. 92:1-13.

59. Owen, J. G., D. J. Schmidly, and W. B. Davis.  1984. A morphometric analysis of three species of Carollia (Chiroptera: Glossophaginae) from Middle America.  Mammalia 48:85-93.

60. Gunn, S. J., and D. J. Schmidly.  1984. Preventing nutria damage to seismic cables with chemical and physical deterrents.  Texas J. Sci. 36:205-213.

61. Schmidly, D. J., M. R. Lee, W. S. Modi, and E. G. Zimmerman.  1985. Systematics and natural history of Peromyscus hooperi. Occas. Pap. The Museum, Texas Tech Univ. 97:1-40.

62. Baumgardner, G. D., and D. J. Schmidly.  1985. Microhabitat relationships of kangaroo rats (Dipodomys compactus and D. ordii) in southern Texas.  Southwestern Nat. 30:315-317.

63. Jones, J. K., Jr., C. J. Young, and D. J. Schmidly.  1985. Contribution to a bibliography of Recent Texas Mammals, 1971-1980.  Occas. Pap. The Museum, Texas Tech Univ. 95:1-44.

64. Schmidly, D. J.  1986. Wilderness preserves and small mammals in the eastern United States.  Pp. 44-49 in Wilderness and Natural Areas in the Eastern United States:  A Management Challenge (D. C. Kulhavey and R. N. Conner, eds.).  Center for Applied Studies, School of Forestry, Stephen F. Austin State Univ., Nacogdoches, Texas.

65. Schmidly, D. J., and J. A. Read.  1986. Cranial variation in the bobcat (Felis rufus) from Texas and surrounding states.  Occas. Pap. The Museum, Texas Tech Univ. 101:1-39.

66. Gust, D. A., and D. J. Schmidly.  1986. Small mammal populations on reclaimed strip-mined areas in Freestone County, Texas.  J. Mamm. 67:214-217.

67. Owen, J. G., and D. J. Schmidly.  1986. Environmental variables of biological importance in Texas.  Texas J. Sci. 38:99-119

68. Gallagher Jr., D.S., Stephen, D., Dixon, J.R., and Schmidly, D.J. 1986. Geographic variation in the Kentropyx calcarata species group (Sauria:Teeidae): a possible example of morphological character displacement. Journal of Herpetology. 179-189.Gallagher Jr, Daniel Stephen, James Ray Dixon, and David J. Schmidly. "Geographic variation in the Kentropyx calcarata species group (Sauria: Teiidae): a possible example of morphological character displacement." Journal of herpetology (1986): 179-189.
Gallagher Jr, Daniel Stephen, James Ray Dixon, and David J. Schmidly. "Geographic variation in the Kentropyx calcarata species group (Sauria: Teiidae): a possible example of morphological character displacement." Journal of herpetology (1986): 179-189.

Gallagher Jr, Daniel Stephen, James Ray Dixon, and David J. Schmidly. "Geographic variation in the Kentropyx calcarata species group (Sauria: Teiidae): a possible example of morphological character displacement." Journal of herpetology (1986): 179-189.
Gallagher Jr, Daniel Stephen, James Ray Dixon, and David J. Schmidly. "Geographic variation in the Kentropyx calcarata species group (Sauria: Teiidae): a possible example of morphological character displacement." Journal of herpetology (1986): 179-189.

69. Bradley, R. D., and D. J. Schmidly.  1987. The glans penes and bacula in Latin America taxa of the Peromyscus boylii group.  J. Mamm. 68:595-616.

70. Tewes, M., and D. J. Schmidly.  1987. The Neotropical felids: jaguar, ocelot, margay, and jaguarundi.  Pp. 697-712 in Wild Furbearer Management and Conservation in North America (M. Novak, J. A. Baker, M. E. Obberd, B. Malloch, eds.).  The Ontario Trappers Assoc. and Ontario Ministry nat. Res., Ontario, Canada, 1150 pp. 

71. Owen, J. G., D. J. Schmidly, and J.F. Griffiths.  1987. Combining climatic variables: a case study from Texas, U.S.A.  Intern. J. Environmental Studies 28:269-286.

72. Houseal, T. W., I. F. Greenbaum, D. J. Schmidly, S. A. Smith, and K. M. Davis.  1987. Karyotypic variation in Peromyscus boylii from Mexico.  J. Mamm. 68:281-296.

73. Folse, L. J., P. S. Cato, and D. J. Schmidly.  1987. Hybrid computer system at Texas A&M University.  Pp. 135-143 in Mammal Collection management (H. H. Genoways, C. Jones, and O. L. Rossolimo, eds.).  Texas Tech Univ. Press. IV + 219pp.

74. Jones, J. K., Jr., C. Jones, and D. J. Schmidly.  1988. Annotated checklist of Recent land mammals of Texas.  Occas. Pap. The Museum, Texas Tech Univ. 199:1-26. 

75. Schmidly, D. J., R. D. Bradley, and P. S. Cato. 1988.  Morphometric differentiation and taxonomy of three chromosomally characterized groups of Peromyscus boylii from east-central Mexico.  J. Mamm. 69(3):462-480.

76. Smith, S. A., I. F. Greenbaum, D. J. Schmidly, K. M. Davis, and T. W. Houseal.  1989. Additional notes on karyotypic variation in the Peromyscus boylii  species group.  J. Mamm. 70(3):603-608.

77. Bradley, R. D., D. J. Schmidly, and R. Owens.  1989. Variation in the glans penes and bacula among Latin American populations of the Peromyscus boylii species complex.  J. Mamm. 70(4):712-725.

78. Dragoo, J. W., D. B. Fagre, D. J. Schmidly, and L. B. Perry. 1989. First specimen of a hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus mesoleucus) from Bexar County, Texas.  Tex. J. Science  41:331-333.

79. Schmidly, D. J., and D. L. Scarbrough.  1989. Marine mammals of the Gulf of Mexico: past, present, and future.  Pp. 59-76 in Sea turtles and marine mammals of the Gulf of Mexico, proceedings of a workshop held in New Orleans, August 1-3, 1989 (Tucker and Associates, Inc., ed).  OSC Study MMS 90-0009.  U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS  Regional Office, New Orleans, LA.  211pp.

80. Smith, T. S., S. A. Smith, and D. J. Schmidly.  Impact of fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) density on northern pygmy mice (Baiomys taylori).  1990. Southwestern Nat. 35(2):158-162. 

81. Bradley, R. D., D. J. Schmidly, and R. Owens.  1990. Variation in the glans penes and bacula among Latin American population of Peromyscus aztecus. Occas. Pap. The Museum, Texas Tech Univ. 135:1-15.

82. Leon-Paniagua, L., E. Romo-Vasquez, J. C. Morales, D. J. Schmidly, and D. Navarro-Lopez.  1990. Noteworthy records of mammals from the state of Queretaro, Mexico.  Southwestern Nat. 35(2):231-235.

83. Schmidly, D. J., I. R. Adelman, and J. S. Greene.  1990. Educational content of university fish and wildlife programs based on expressed needs of federal and state agency employers.  Trans. 55th. N.A. Wild. and Nat. Res. Conf.: 133-143.

84. Lee Jr., T., J. Derr, J. Bickham, and D.J. Schmidly. 1991. Distribution of genetic variation in Texas pronghorn antelope. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 29:502 (published abstract). 

85. Cato, P.S., and D. J. Schmidly.  1991. Policies concerning the use and management of ancillary preparations in vertebrate systematics collections. Pp. 91104, in Natural History Museums, Directions for Growth (P.S. Cato and C. Jones, Eds.), Texas Tech Press, Lubbock, 252 pp. 

86. Schmidly, D.J., M.D. Tuttle, and P.A. Morton. 1991. The bats of Texas history status and conservation efforts to preserve a critical resource. Bat Research News. 33(4), 85 pp. 

87. Schmidly, D.J., and M.D. Tuttle. 1992. New international center established to train future bat conservation leaders. Bat Research News. 33(4), 73 pp. 

88. Baumgardner, G. D., N. O. Dronen, and D. J. Schmidly.  1992. Distribution status of short-tailed shrews (genus Blarina) in Texas.  Southwestern Nat., 37 (3): 326-328.

89. Schmidly, D.J., D.L. Scarbrough, and M.A. Horner. 1993. Wildlife diversity in the Blackland Prairies in The Texas Blackland Prairie: Land, History, and Culture (MR Sharpless & JC Yelderman, Jr., eds.). Baylor Univ. Program for Regional Studies, Waco, TX, xvi: 82-95. 

90. Schmidly, D. J., K. T. Wilkins, and J. N. Derr. 1994. Biogeography. Pp. 319-356 in Biology of the Heteromyidae. (H. H. Genoways and J. H. Brown, editors).  Special Publication, No. 10, American Society of Mammalogists. 719 pp.

91. Nedbal, M. A., D. J. Schmidly, and R. D. Bradley.  1994.  Records of three bat species in southeast Texas.  Tex. J. Science 46:195196.

92. Shaw, J. H., and D. J. Schmidly.  1994.  Conservation and Management.  Pp. 421-433 in Seventy-five Years of Mammalogy (1919-1994).  (E.C. Birney and J. R. Choate, eds.).  Spec. Publ. No. 11, American Society of Mammalogists.  433 pp.

93.  Adelman, D. J. Schmidly, and Y. Cohen.  1994. Educational needs of fisheries and wildlife professionals: results of a survey.  Fisheries, 19 (11): 17-25.

94. Smith, S. A., I. F. Greenbaum, and D. J. Schmidly.  1994.  A problematic specimen of Peromyscus with an unusual karyotype.  The Southwestern Nat., 39 (3): 289-291.

95. Schmidly, D. J.  1994.  El papel de las universidades en la promocion de la conservation y el desarrollo sostenible en America Latina.  Docencia, 19 (3): 1-14.

96. Schmidly, D. J., and R. D. Bradley.  1995.  Morphological variation in the Sinaloan mouse, Peromyscus similus. Revista Mexicana de Mastozoologia, 1:44-58.

97. Bradley, R. D., R. D. Owen, and D. J. Schmidly.  1996.   Morphological variation in Peromyscus spicilegus.  Occasional Papers, the Museum Texas Tech University, 159:1-23. 

98. Bradley, R. D., Schmidly, D. J., and C. W. Kilpatrick.  1996.  The relationships of Peromyscus sagax to the P. boylii and P. truei species groups in Mexico based on morphometric, karyotypic, and allozymic data.  Pp. 95-106 in Contributions in Mammalogy:  A Memorial Volume Honoring Dr. J. Knox Jones, Jr. (H. H. Genoways and R. J. Baker, eds).  Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock.

99. Baker, R. J., B. Albin, R. D. Bradley, J. J. Bull, J. M. Burns, K. A. Clark, G. Edson, R. E. Estrada, E. Farley, C. B. Fedler, B. M. Gharaibeh, R. L. Hammer, C. Jones, R. Monk, J. T. Montford, G. Moore, N. C. Parker, J. Rawlings, A. Sansom, D. J. Schmidly, R. W. Sims, H. A. Wichman, and F. D. Yancey.  1996.  Natural Science Database:  Resource management and public health.  Pp. 10-20 in Collaboration:  The 'Key' to Success (M. Shaughnessy, ed.).  Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference, Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers, Key Largo, FL. 96 pp.

100. Jones, C., R. S. Hoffmann, D. W. Rice, M. D. Engstrom, R. D. Bradley, D. J. Schmidly, C. A. Jones, and R. J. Baker. Revised checklist of North American mammals north of Mexico.  1997.  Occasional Papers, the Museum, Texas Tech University, 173:1-19.

101. Schmidly, D.J. 1998. Texas natural history: a century of change. Pp. 264-267 in Status and Trends of the Nation’s Biological Resources. Vol. 1 (M.J. Mac, P.A. Oplen, L.E. Puckett Haecker, and P.D. Doran). U.S. Dept. Int., U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. 1-436 pp. 

102. Roberts, H. R., D. J. Schmidly, and R. D. Bradley.  1998. Peromyscus spicilegus.  Mammalian Species.  596:1-4.

103. Parker, N. C., R. D. Bradley, J. Burns, G. F. Edson, D. R. Haragan, C. Jones, R. R. Monk, J. T. Montford, C. J. Phillips, D. J. Schmidly, and R. J. Baker.  1998.  Bioinformatics: a multi-disciplinary approach for the life sciences.  Occasional Papers, the Museum of Texas Tech University, 186:i+1-8.

104. Baker, R. J., C. J. Phillips, R. D. Bradley, J. Burns, G. F. Edson, D. R. Haragan, C. Jones, R. R. Monk, J. T. Montford, D. J. Schmidly, and N. C. Parker.  1998.  Bioinformatics, museums and society:  Integrating biological data for knowledge based decisions.  Occasional Papers, the Museum of Texas Tech University,  187:i+1-4.

105. Schmidly, D. J., and J. R. Dixon. 1998. William B. "Doc" Davis:  1902-1995 (obituary). J. Mamm., 79 (3):  1076-1083.

106. Parker, N. C., R. J. Baker, R. D. Bradley, C. Jones, R. R. Monk, D. J. Schmidly, R. W. Sims, and F. D. Yancey II.  1998.  Texas Tech Museum and Texas GAP Program:  A partnership providing field data for GAP analysis.  GAP analysis Bulletin No. 7, USGS-BRD Gap Analysis Program, Moscow, Idaho.

107. Bradley, R. D., and D. J. Schmidly.  1999. Texas Mouse/Peromyscus attwateri, and Brush Mouse/Peromyscus boylii.  Pp. 563-565 in The Smithsonian Book of North American Mammals (D.E. Wilson and S. Ruff, eds.).  Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.  750 pp.

108. Castro-Campillo, A. A., H. R. Roberts, D. J. Schmidly, and R. D. Bradley.  1999.  Systematic status of Peromyscus boylii ambiguus based on morphological and molecular data.  J. Mamm., 80:1214-1231.

109. Bradley, R. D., D. J. Schmidly, and C. Jones. 1999. The northern rock mouse, Peromyscus nasutus (Mammalian: Rodentia) from the Davis Mountains, Texas. Occasional Papers, The Museum, Texas Tech, 190:1-3.

110. Hice, C.L., and D.J. Schmidly.  1999. The non-volant mammals of the Galveston Bay Region, Texas.  Occasional Papers, The Museum, Texas Tech University, 194:1-23.

111 Tiemann-Boege, I., W. Kilpatrick, D.J. Schmidly, and R. D. Bradley.  Molecular phylogenetics of the Peromyscus boylii species group.  2000. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 16: 366-378.  

112. Bradley, R. D., I. Tiemann-Boege, C. W. Kilpatrick, and D. J. Schmidly.  2000.  The taxonomic status of Peromyscus boylii sacarensis.  J. Mamm., 81: 875-884.

113. Edwards, C.W., D.S. Carroll, M.L. Clary, K.E. Halcomb. M.L. Haynie, S.R. Hoofer, F.G. Hoffmann, M.B. O’Neill, E. Webb, M.J. Hamilton, R.A. Van Den Bussche, D.J. Schmidly, C. Jones, and R.D. Bradley. 2000. Records of mammals from northeast to south Texas. Occasional Papers, The Museum of Texas Tech University, 200: 1-7. 

114.  Schmidly, D. J., and C. Jones.  2000.  20th century changes in mammals and mammalian habitats along the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo from Fort Quitman to Amistad.  Pp. 177-204 in Proceedings of Binational Symposium Rio Grande/Rio Bravo: Ft. Quitman to Amistad Reservoir.  United States Department of the Interior, 295 pp.

115. Schmidly, D.J. 2001. Universities and Natural History Museums in the Twenty-first Century: Opportunities of Excellence and Engagement. Pp 35-44 in A University Natural History Museum for the New Millennium (Michael A. Mares, Ed.) Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History.

116. Roberts, H. R., D. J. Schmidly, and R. D. Bradley.  2001.  Peromyscus simulus.  Mammalian Species, 669: 1-3.

117. Schmidly, D.J., N.C. Parker, and R.J. Baker. 2001. Texas Parks and Wildlife for the 21st Century. Texas Tech University, 47 pp. 

118. Allen, K.E., R.D. Bradley, R.R. Monk, O.V. Knayazhnitskiy, N.C. Parker, D.J. Schmidly, and R.J. Baker. 2001. Employment of geographic information systems for determining the accuracy of museum voucher specimen data.  Occasional Papers: The Museum of Texas Tech University, 210: 1-7.  

119.  Hice, C.L., and D.J. Schmidly.  2002.  The mammals of coastal Texas:  a comparison between mainland and barrier island faunas.  Southwestern Nat., 47(2): 244-256. 

120. Hice, C.L. and D.J. Schmidly.  2002.  The effectiveness of pitfall traps for sampling small mammals in the Amazon Basin.  Mastozoologia Neotropical, 9(1): 85-89.

121. Schmidly, D.J.  2002.  A century of land use in Texas: impacts on wildlife diversity.  Proceedings, The Philosophical Society of Texas.

122.  Dragoo, J.W., R.L. Honeycutt, and D.J. Schmidly.  2003.  Taxonomic status of white-backed hog-nosed skunks, genus Conepatus (Carnivora: Mephitidae). Journal of Mammalogy, 84(1): 159-176.

123. Schmidly, D.J.  2003.  Where have you gone Vernon Bailey: the laments of a mammalogist.  Pp. 37-53 in Going Afield (C. J. Phillips and C. Jones, Eds.), Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock.

124. Wickliffe, J.K., R.D. Bradley, F.B. Stangl, Jr., J.L. Patton, D.A. Parish, C. Jones, D.J. Schmidly, and R.J. Baker. 2004 Molecular systematics and phylogenetic history of Thomomys bottae in Texas.  Pp. 497-512 in Contribuciones Mastozoologicas en Homenaje a Bernardo Villa.  (V. Sanchez-Cordeo and R.A. Medellin eds.), Instituto de Biologia Instituto de Ecologia, UNAM, Mexico.

125. Schmidly, D.J.  2005.  Wildlife legacy: changes during the 20th Century.  King Ranch: Wildlife, Cattle, and Range Symposium.  150 Anniversary Celebration.  Oct. 1-2, 2003.

126. Schmidly, D.J.  2005.  What it means to be a naturalist and the future of natural history at American universities.  Journal of Mammalogy, 86(3): 449-456. [this article was translated and published in the Chinese Journal of Natural History in 2022]

127. Baker, R. J., D. J. Schmidly, J. A. Cook, J. Salazar-Bravo, and H. H. Genoways.  2008. Terry Lamon Yates: 1950-2007 (obituary).  J. Mamm., 89(6):1557-1569. 

128. Schmidly, D.J. 2012. Donald Frederick Hoffmeister: 1916-2011 (obituary). J. Mamm., 93(3): 871-878.

129. Schmidly, D.J.  2013.  Review of The Mammals of Colorado by David Armstonrg, J. P. Fitsgerald, and C. A. Meaney.  Journal of Mammalogy 94(2): 516-517.

130.  Bradley, R.D., Nicte Ordonez-Garza, Cibele G. Sotero-Caio, Howard M. Hugnh, C. William Kilpartrick, Ignacio Eniquez-Davalos, and D. J. Schmidly.  2014.   Morphometrics, karyotypic, and molecular evidence for a new species of Peromyscus (Cricetidae: Neotominae) from Nayarit, Mexico.  Journal of Mammalogy 95: 176-186.

131.  Bradley, R.D., L.K. Ammerman, R.J. Baker, L.C. Bradley, J.A. Cook, R.C. Dowler, C. Jones, D.J. Schmidly, F.B. Stangl Jr., R.A. Van Den Bussche, and B. Wursig.  2014.  Revised checklist of North American Mammals north of Mexico, 2014.  Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 327: 1-27.

132.  Schmidly, D. J.  2014.  Recollections of an American mammalogist in Mexico: 1968-2014.  Pp. 133-160 in 30 Anos de la Mastozoologia en Mexico (C. Lorenzo Monterrubie and S.F. Hernandex Betancourt eds.), Mexico, 290 pp.  ISBN 978-7637-96-7.

133.  Schmidly, D. J.  2014.  20th century landscape and land use changes in New Mexico impact wildlfie diversity.  Bosque newletter, Corrales, New Mexico, 2 pp. 

134.  Bradley, R.D., D.J. Schmidly, B.R. Amman, R.N. Platt II, K.M. Neumann, H.W. Huynh, R. Muniz-Martinoz, C. Lopez-Gonzalez, and N. Ordonez-Garza. 2015.  Molecular and morphological data reveal multiple species in Peromyscus pectoralis.  Journal of Mammalogy 96: 446-459.

135.  Schmidly, D.J. and W. Tydeman.  2016.  Preface.  Pp. v-ix in United States Biological Survey: A Compendum of Its History, Personalities, Impacts, and Conflicts (D.J. Schmidly, W. Tydeman, and A. Gardner, eds.).  Special Pubication, Museum of Texas Tech University, No. 64: 123 pp. 

136.  Schmidly, D.J.  2016.  Vernon Bailey (1864-1942): Chief Field Naturalist of the Biological Survey. Pp. 25-54 in United States Biological Survey:  A compendium of its History, Personalities, Impacts, and Conflicts (D.J. Schmidly, W. Tydeman, and A. Gardner, eds.).  Special Pubication, Museum of Texas Tech University, No. 64: 123 pp.  

137.  Schmidly, D.J.  2016.  Merriam’s Men: The Federal Agents of the Biological Survey (1885-1910).  Pp. 55-86 in United States Biological Survey: A Compendium of its History, Personalities, Impacts, and Conflicts (D.J. Schmidly, W. Tydeman, and A. Gardner, eds.).  Special Pubication, Museum of Texas Tech University, No. 64: 123 pp.

138.  Schmidly, D.J.  2016.  The Legacy of the United States Biological Survey – A Summary. Pp. 115-117 in United States Biological Survey: A Compendium of its History, Personalities, Impacts, and Conflicts (D.J. Schmidly, W. Tydeman, and A. Gardner, eds.).  Special Pubication, Museum of Texas Tech University, No. 64: 123 pp. (D.J. Schmidly, W. Tydeman, and A. Gardner, eds.).  

139.  Schmidly, D. J.  2016.  Society Needs a Biology that Included Natural History.  Natural Science Research Laboratory, Museum of Texas Tech University, Volume 2, Spring 2016: 5-6.

140.  Schmidly, D. J.  2017.  A timeline of significant events in the development of North American mammalogy.  Special Publication Museum of Texas Texas Tech University, No. 66: 37 pp.

141.  Bradley, R. D., N. Ordonez-Garza, G. Ceballos, D. S. Rogers, and D. J. Schmidly.  2017.  A new species in the Peromyscus boylii species group (Cricetidae: Neotominae) from Michoacan, Mexico.  Journal of Mammalogy 98: 154-165.

142.  Genoways, H. H., R. D. Bradley, D. J. Schmidly, L. C. Bradley, J. J. Bull, K. McBee, M. Hamilton, and P. A. Larsen.  2018.  Obituary Robert James Baker (1942-2018).  Journal of Mammalogy 99(4):983-1012.

143.  Schmidly, D. J., and V. Naples.  2019.  North America mammalogy: early history, dominant personalities, and signficant milestones (1850-1960).  Journal of Mammalogy 100(3):701-718.

144. Beauchamp-Martin, S. L., F. B. Stangl, Jr., D. J. Schmidly, R. D. Stevens, and R. D. Bradley.  2019.  Systematic review of Botta’s pocket gopher (Thomomys bottae) from Texas and southeastern New Mexico, with description of a new taxon.  Pp. 515-539 in From Field to Laboratory: A Memorial Volume in Honor of Robert J. Baker (R. D. Bradley, H. H. Genowys, D. J. Schmidly, and L. C. Bradley, editors).  Special Publications Museum of Texas Tech University, Number 71, 911 pp.

145. Wright, E. A., E. K. Roberts, C. L. Evans, D. J. Schmidly, and R. D. Bradley.  2020.  Evidence from mitochrondrial DNA sequences suggest a recent origin for Peromyscus truei comanche.  Occasional Papers Museum of Texas Tech University, Number 367, 19 pp.

146.  Bradley, R. D., N. Ordonez-Garza, C. W. Thompson, E. A. Wright, G. Ceballos, C. W. Kilpatrick, and D. J. Schmidly.  2022.  Two new species of Peromyscus (Cricetidae: Neotominae) from the Transverse Volcanic Belt of Mexico.  Journal of Mammalogy 103(2):255-274.

147.  Schmidly, D. J., R. D. Bradley, L. C. Bradley, and F. D. Yancey, II.  2023.  Introduction.  Pp. 1-22 in Taxonomic Catalogs for the Recent Terrestrial Vertebrate (Species and Subspecies) Described from Texas (D. J. Schmidly, R. D Bradley, L. C. Bradley, and F. D. Yancey, II, editors).  Special Publication Museum of Texas Tech University, Number 77, 390 pp.

148.  Schmidly D. J., R. D. Bradley, L. C. Bradley, F. D. Yancey, II, and J. Bateman.  2023.  Catalog 1: Type Specimens, Type Localities, Synonymies, and Authors/Collectors of Recent Mammals Described From Texas.  Pp. 23-128 in Taxonomic Catalogs for the Recent Terrestrial Vertebrate (Species and Subspecies) Described from Texas (D. J. Schmidly, R. D Bradley, L. C. Bradley, and F. D. Yancey, II, editors).   Special Publication Museum of Texas Tech University, Number 77, 390 pp.

149.  Chapman, B. R., F. D. Yancey, II, K. A. Arnold, M. W. Lockwood, and D. J. Schmidly.  2023.  Catalog 2: Type Specimens, Type Localities, Synonymies, and Authors/Collectors of Recent Birds Described from Texas.  Pp. 129-212 in Taxonomic Catalogs for the Recent Terrestrial Vertebrate (Species and Subspecies) Described from Texas (D. J. Schmidly, R. D Bradley, L. C. Bradley, and F. D. Yancey, II, editors).   Special Publication Museum of Texas Tech University, Number 77, 390 pp.

150.  Schmidly, D. J., R. L. Honeycutt, R. D. Bradley, and L. C. Bradley.  2023.  Conclusions.  Pp. 381-390 in Taxonomic Catalogs for the Recent Terrestrial Vertebrate (Species and Subspecies) Described from Texas (D. J. Schmidly, R. D Bradley, L. C. Bradley, and F. D. Yancey, II, editors).   Special Publication Museum of Texas Tech University, Number 77, 390 pp. 

151.  Bradley, R. D., A. Pham, E. K. Roberts, T. J. Soniat, C. M. Poehlein, M. N. Mills, M. Ballard, R. Pitts, L. L. Lindsey, M. K. Halsey, D. A. Ray, R. D. Stephens, D. J. Schmidly, and E. A. Wright.  2023.  Genetic identification of pocket gophers (genera Cratogeomys, Geomys, and Thomomys) in Texas and surrounding áreas.  Special Publication Museum of Texas Tech University, in press.



Special Reports

1. Schmidly, D. J., and R. B. Ditton. 1976. Survey and analysis of recreational and livestock impacts on the riparian zone of the Rio Grande in Big Bend National Park.  Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences and Department of Recreation and Parks, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas A&M University.

2. Schmidly, D. J., and S. H. Shane. 1976. A biological assessment of the cetacean fauna of the Texas coast.  Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas A&M University.  Prepared for the Marine Mammal Commission, Washington, D.C. 

3. Ditton, R.B., and D.J. Schmidly. 1977. A user-resource analysis of Amistad Recreation  Area (Texas).  Department of Recreation and Parks and Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas A&M University.  Report prepared for the Office of Natural Resources, Southwest Region, National Park Service, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Contract No. CX70050442.

4. Schmidly, D. J., and D. S. Rogers. 1978.  Game mammals of Big Thicket National Preserve.  Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas A&M University.  Report prepared for the National Park Service. 

5.  Shane, S. H., and D. J. Schmidly. 1979. The population biology of the Atlantic bottlenosed dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, in the Aransas Pass area of Texas. National Technical Information Service, PB-283393, 225 pp. 

6.  Schmidly, D. J., W. G. Norton, and G. A. Barber. 1980. The game and furbearing mammals of Big Thicket National Preserve with comments on the small mammal populations of selected units.  Report prepared for Office of Natural Resources, National Park Service Contract No. 702900019.

7.  Schmidly, D. J. 1980. The mammals of Big Thicket National Preserve. Pp. 228-242 in Proceedings Second Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, Vol. 12: Terrestrial Biology: Zoology. National Technical Information Service PB 81-100133, 411 pp.  

8. Schmidly, D. J. 1981. Marine mammals of the southeastern United States coast and the Gulf of Mexico.  United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services, Washington, D. C. FWS/OBS-80/41, 163 pp. 

9.  Dinkins, C. E., L. M. Bass, T. Cisneros, R. Dipprey, V. E. Emanuel, J. Fitzsimons, A. L. Henry, J. Hunt, C. Krier, C. Ramirez, D. J. Schmidly, J. G. Teer, and A. Sampson.  2000.  Taking Care of Texas, A Report from the Governor’s Task Force on Conservation, 48 pp.

10.  Schmidly, D.J., N.C. Parker, and R. J. Baker. 2001.  Texas Parks and Wildlife for the 21st Century: An Overview of the Texas Tech University Studies in Conservation and Recreation for the Coming Decades, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, 47 pp.

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